Thursday, 19 July 2012

Bob Diamond won't stay in a travel lodge but Brad Burton does

Yesterday I was on twitter and I noticed a posting by Brad Burton (head of 4N the national & I believe now international networking organisation) including a picture of the Travel lodge he was staying at. So I tweeted 

 you might be brad b but you're not so up yourself to stay in a travel lodge. I like that.

The larger than life Northerner justified it on the grounds of it being good value and you can't really argue with that.

In tight economic times, we all have to tighten our belts and that should include leaders.

 If we are really all in this together then I as a leader shouldn’t be asking you to do anything I’m not prepared to do myself. So If I ask people who work in my organisation to reduce costs and look for savings then I should be doing the same. A kind of sharing the corporate pain culture emerges..

So the fact that I as the leader, CEO, etc of that business am prepared to use Travel lodges means that my manage-ment team can’t point fingers and sneer about different rules applying to the CEO.

Leaders should be judged on their behaviours and great leaders set
the right tone and role model the right things.

This small twitter exchange ended with me complementing the larger than life Northerner on his leadership style. 

 sets the right tone. Great leadership. Leading by example.

I like that too !

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